Student Employee Supervisor FAQs

Supervisor Support

Please contact Jacob Cuevas via Teams or email for assistance with all student employee related matters.



Progressive Disciplinary Action

Sample Letter-of-Warning-Performance

The below Progressive Disciplinary Action process was put in place and is managed by the Student Employment department.  All written warnings and notifications of termination must be sent to Student Employment for review before discussing with the student employee.  Jacob Cuevas should be aware of all disciplinary actions and is available to assist in this process ( but you may reach out directly to Student Employment at  The Progressive Disciplinary Action process is found here:

Progressive Disciplinary Policy

In the event that disciplinary action becomes necessary, the Office of Student Financial Aid Services – Student Employment recommends the following progressive disciplinary steps:

    1. Initiate a formal and private discussion (verbal warning) with the student employee concerning the specific areas of job performance or attendance that require improvement. Discuss the performance/attendance standards required for the position. Document the date and nature of the discussion in the student’s employment file.
    2. In the event that further disciplinary action is required, a written warning should be given to the student. The warning should explain the specific areas of job performance/ attendance which are below standard, should outline & quantify the improvements that are necessary in order to ensure continued employment, and should establish a deadline by which these improvements should be noted.

Please contact Student Employment at (860) 486-3474 prior to issuing a written warning. A copy of the written warning should be sent to the Office of Student Financial Aid Services – Student Employment, Unit 4141.

    1. In the event that the student employee fails to meet satisfactory standards of job performance or attendance as outlined in the written warning, the department may dismiss the student employee.

Departments considering dismissing an employee should consult the Office of Student Financial Aid Services – Student Employment at (860) 486-3474 prior to initiating the termination process. A notice of termination should be in writing, should state the specific reason(s) for termination, and should include information about prior progressive disciplinary actions. A copy of the letter should be sent to the Office of Student Financial Aid Services – Student Employment, Unit 4141.

Certain actions may result in immediate dismissal, such as:

  • submission of fraudulent hours on a time card
  • destruction or theft of property belonging to the University, its patrons, or employees
  • threat of physical harm to members of the University Community
  • reporting to work under the influence of alcohol or drugs
  • gross insubordination
  • gross misconduct

Students who are employed by Residential Life as Resident Assistants (RAs) fall solely, and exclusively, under the purview of the Department of Residential Life’s process in regard to performance concerns or issues. RAs do not follow the Student Employment’s Progressive Disciplinary Process outlined above.  Given the nature of their positions they fall under the Progressive Disciplinary process through the Residential Life Department.  All Resident Assistants are provided with this policy at the time of employment and it has been reviewed by Student Employment.

Student Employment Verification Requests & Letters of Recommendation

All requests for student employment verification should be emailed to the Student Employment department at

Student employees requesting a letter of recommendation on UConn letterhead from their supervisor should first provide a written confirmation of the request.  A copy of both the letter of recommendation and  student confirmation of request should be sent to


Student Employee Sick Time Policy

Student Employee Sick Time Policy

Please note:  Accrued sick time may not be used for scheduled work hours missed as a result of a Covid related quarantine.


Student Employees of the University of Connecticut begin to accrue paid sick time beginning January 1, 2012 or upon hire, whichever is later, under the following terms and conditions:

  • Student Employees accrue one hour of paid time for every forty (40) hours actually worked.
  • The maximum accrual of sick time hours is forty (40) hours per calendar year.
  • Student Employees may carry over a maximum of 40 hours of unused sick time from one calendar year into the next but the employee shall not be able to use more than the forty (40) hours in one (1) calendar year.
  • Under no circumstances are Student Employees entitled to any payout for accumulated but unused sick leave.


  • Student employees shall be entitled to the use of accrued paid sick leave upon the completion of their 680th hour of employment with the University measured from January 1, 2012 or from their date of hire if hired after January 1, 2012.
  • Sick leave must be taken in one (1) hour increments.
  • A maximum of forty (40) hours of sick leave may be used each calendar year.
  • Sick leave may only be used in lieu of previously scheduled hours.


  • Sick leave will be paid at the Student Employee’s normal hourly rate at the time the leave is taken.


Student Employees may only use accrued paid sick leave for the following reasons:

  • To treat the employee’s own illness, injury or health condition; for the medical diagnosis, care or treatment of the employee’s own mental illness or physical illness, injury or health condition; or for preventative medical care for the employee.
  • For the treatment of the employee’s child or spouse’s illness, injury or health condition; the medical diagnosis, care or treatment of an employee’s child’s or spouse’s mental or physical illness, injury or health condition; or preventative medical care for the employee’s child or spouse.
  • For the employee’s treatment or services related to the employee’s status as a victim in a family violence or sexual assault incident, for the medical care or psychological or other counseling for physical or psychological injury or disability; to obtain services from a victim services organization; to relocate due to such family violence or sexual assault; to participate in any civil or criminal proceedings related to or resulting from such family violence or sexual assault.


If the reason for the sick leave is foreseeable, the Student Employee must provide at least seven (7) days advance notice to their supervisor, or if the leave is not foreseeable, the Student Employee must provide as much notice as is practicable.


Documentation signed by a health care provider indicating the need for the number of days taken may be required by the Student Employee’s supervisor for leaves of three (3) or more consecutive days.

Worker’s Comp Injury

Hiring Student Employees / Creating Student Employee NetID Work Accounts

Please contact Jacob Cuevas on the Campus Technology Services team to post a student employee job post.  Be prepared to provide a draft of the job description and job requirements if the student job has never been posted before.  UConn student job templates are available for reference on the Student Employment website.  These can be used to assist in determining the title and responsibility level of the new position being created.  If a previously posted student job is being re-posted and only needs revisions, provide the job ID number or the name of a student who was last hired for that position if possible.

Supervisors should create a Student NetID Work Account for new student employees on the NetID Management web page:  Click on the Account Sponsorship tab and choose Student NetIDWork Accounts.

All new student employee hires will need a work-related account/NetID so that their work communications and responsibilities are kept separate from their role as a student.  These accounts must be renewed every year.

Timecard Coding for Remote Work

Student employees should code timecard entries UCTEL for all hours worked remotely. Hours worked on campus should not be coded. Supervisors should ensure all timecard entries are correctly coded and make necessary corrections before approving them by end of day Thursday of pay weeks. Please contact Jacob with questions at

Timecard Corrections

Once a pay period has ended, missing or incorrect hours can no longer be added to or corrected on the Huskytime timecard.  Any revisions to a timecard of a past pay period must be made directly into CoreCT by the student employee's supervisor.  Please email Jacob Cuevas with questions and assistance.

Please note:  hours adjusted in CoreCT will never be reflected on the student employee's Huskytime timecard.  They will however be seen on the paycheck statement in CoreCT.